
for registration:

Worker in the age group of 18 to 70 years covered by the definition of unorganised worker given above is eligible for registration. The unorganised worker shall make an application in the format annexed, pay Rs.15/- or such other amount as specified by the Commissioner of Labour and furnish an undertaking stating that he or she is an unorganised worker.

for benefits:

  1. Unorganised workers in the age group of 18 to 59 years (as per AABY norms):
    • Accident Death and Total Disability relief: Rs. 5 lakh.
    • Partial Disability relief: up to Rs.3,62,500/-
    • Natural Death relief: Rs.30,000/-
    • Scholarship: Rs.1200/- p.a. per child (up to two children).
  2. Unorganised workers in the age group of 60 to 70 years:
    • Accident Death and Total Disability relief: Rs. 4.25 lakh.
    • Partial Disability relief: up to Rs.3,25,000/-
    • Note: Not eligible for Natural death relief and scholarship as per AABY norms.